Production Analysis
The Call List Tracker ensures that all patients without immediate follow-up appointments are added to the call list, creating accountability for receptionists to narrow the outstanding list and drive bookings. This often overlooked measure is crucial for maintaining a healthy production pipeline, and 360 Power Dent enhances it by quantifying the revenue generated from each booked call. The Office Utilization & Forecast tool allows clinics to step back and assess broader routines, provider utilization, and booking patterns. It helps determine if enough future appointment hours are booked to meet production targets, ensuring that production trends upward.

The Daily Huddle is a cornerstone feature that sets the stage for daily operations by displaying all appointments, organized by patient, procedure, and provider, while highlighting additional ‘quick-win’ ROI opportunities for patients. The daily summary reflects total billings, treatment plans created, and Case Acceptance % at both the provider and patient levels. Treatment Planning answers critical questions about your clinic’s pipeline, anticipated production, and effectiveness. It reveals which dentists are diagnosing the most treatment plans, what is being planned, and what the Patient Case Acceptance Rate is.