Operational and Financial Insights

360 PowerDent is the #1 easiest way to assess the end-to-end financial health of a clinic’s operations with far reaching coverage and in-depth granularity. As a dentist or practice manager, you are all too aware of the lack of hours in a day to stay on top of every aspect of your clinic. At times, you may feel overwhelmed with information overload when logging in to your CRM to extract information and derive insights on the direction your clinic is trending towards, and where it ought to be pivoting to.

The 360 PowerDent platform will transform any practice into a data driven operation that will make optimizing patient care and maximizing staffing performance an easily solvable challenge.  Drill down on to every aspect of your clinic operations and gain an understanding of what is impacting key areas of the practice such as: 

  • Production – Track every billing in history, and slice/dice with any combination view of Procedure, Provider, Period, Clinic, to assess, compare, contrast and have a quantitative understanding of what services are driving the practice revenues.
  • Dental Supply – Analyze your Dental Supply Costs to better position your clinic to reduce waste and save money.
  • Financial Statements – Determine profitability and how it compares to industry averages in order to adjust expenditures.
  • Payment and Insurance – Gain insight into the insurance coverage patients have and establish an understanding of patient and treatment trends potentially influenced by it.
  • Account Adjustments and Receivables – Track the overall trend in settlements for outstanding balances yet to be paid over time.
  • Forecasted Revenue – Gain a forward looking view of future billings based on booked appointments looking ahead weekly, monthly, and 6-months.
  • Staffing Cost and Performance – Calculate the administrative cost of running a team, efficiency of production, and salary cost for each employee. Go one step further by viewing the Optimal Allocation of Hours calculated by 360 PowerDent to review the optimal levels for staffing the CDAs, hygienists and receptionists.
  • Treatment Plan Valuation – Calculate the treatment pipeline and know the Case Acceptance rate. Drill down on any patient or procedure, across any span of time, to see the details of the treatment plan and know the next appointment for their treatment. 

With its comprehensive financial coverage, 360 PowerDent supercharges the financial analysis of your clinic’s accountant, manager, or owner and will establish a towering presence of business intelligence and accountability to your clinic operations. 

Schedule a Demo with 360 Dental Pro